Recent Blog Posts

Dynamic Imports of JSON


If you want to do a dynamic import of JSON with Webpack be sure to account for a JSON file not having a default export when you’re trying to extract the value and call default on the returned module to return the whole JSON object.

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Project: Is Alameda Exploding?

I live on the island of Alameda in the San Francisco Bay area. We are bordered on our east side by the Oakland Coliseum and our west side by AT&T Park just directly across the water 3 miles away. When there are fireworks in either of these places we can hear them, and sometimes see them. On holidays we hear all the surrounding fireworks. We also get Blue Angels flying over and so on.

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From Coupa to Glassbreakers

It’s been way too long since I’ve written a post on this particular blog, so what better occasion than to announce that after 3 1/2 years I have left my job at Coupa Software. My last day was on August 18th and I will certainly miss the friends I made there, but it was definitely time for a change.

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Drag from Desktop Tricks

Lately I’ve been reading a whole lot about drag and drop while I’ve tried to implement a ‘drag from desktop to upload’ feature. While some of these features have been around for a very long time, others are new and therefore finicky.

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Day One with Ember

I recently started giving myself a crash course in Ember.js to do a quick example app for a job interview. I was pretty sure I could pick it up quickly since once thing I definitely learned in the bootcamp was how to learn fast and work quickly. This certainly isn’t ideal for most real world situations because you want to produce high quality sites and apps which require proper planning, testing, and attention to detail. But it’s nice to know what I am capable of doing in a pinch.

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Jekyll Conversion Complete

I finally finished liberating my blog from Wordpress’ clutches a few days ago and getting it set up with Jekyll instead. It feels really great to have so much more control over it and to have it also be more lightweight.

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